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Item 150


Issue Date: 10/21/2019 (1st Revised)
Effective Date: 11/21/2019
Expiration Date:

In no case shall the charge for any single shipment be greater than the charge for a greater quantity of the same kind of freight at the rate and weight applicable to such greater quantity of freight, all other particulars of the shipment being the same.

All shipments shall be rated at full applicable class rates from the DUBL 100 Series Class Rate Tariff in effect at the time of the shipment, unless subject to the terms of any published Rate Agreement, Contract or Numbered Rate Quote issued in writing by DUBL.

Unless otherwise indicated, where there exists more than one applicable rate contained in one or more Rate Agreement or Contract published by DUBL, the terms of said Rate Agreements or Contracts shall be assumed to alternate, with the lesser charges applying. Shipments subject to a Numbered Rate Quote will be subject to that rate only, and will not alternate with any other published Rate Agreement or Contract.

In instances where there exists an applicable commodity rate / pallet rate and a class rate for the same lane containted in a Rate Agreement or Contract published by DUBL, the commodity rate will take precendence over the class rate unless otherwise specified in the Rate Agreement or Contract.  Application of the applicable rate will determine the liablity as set forth on Item 570.


Originally founded in 1960, Dugan delivers more than your pallets or skids. We deliver incredible service every time, every trip, every truckload.

Serving Kansas, Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma and Nebraska.

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